PFL 9393

Pegasus Forces Lodge 9393

Patron of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution

Pegasus Forces Lodge was Consecrated on 5th December 1990
at Edward Street Temple, Aldershot. Hampshire.

The Founders - Consecration
The First Eight Years 1991 - 99
The Decade 2000 - 09
The Period 2010 to date
Family Tree - In Conclusion - Military Units
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The Decade 2000 - 09

The new millennium began on a sad note with the death of Bro. Gordon Phillips being marked with suitable tribute. W.Bro. Maj. P.W. Stevens (R.A.M.C.) the W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. A. George the W.M. of Woolmer Forest Lodge No. 3872 occupied the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. R.C. Bettles, the W.M. of Bordon Garrison Lodge No. 7538 acted as I.G. Bro. Alan Mortimer was then installed as the tenth Master, the first of the 21st century. When he invested his Officers he made special mention of the fact that W.Bro. Ernie Caley was standing down as Secretary after ten years, having nurtured the Lodge through its birth pangs and guided it towards insipient maturity. The Members immediately elected Ernie as an Honorary Member and he remarked that: “It’s a bit like going to heaven, without having to die first!” – his comment was to prove sadly prophetic. It was announced that W.Bro. Bob Kirby was to be appointed as Prov.G.St.B. in Middlesex.

In April W.Bro. D.A. Bunn of Cherry Tree Lodge acted as Tyler in the absence of Vic Carmichael. The Lodge received a visit from the Prov.G.M., R.W.Bro. Ernest Moss. He was admitted and saluted under the direction of the Prov.G.D.C., W.Bro. Allan Gregory P.A.G.D.C. and witnessed the initiation of John Tovey M.B.E. The Prov.G.M. then presented a mounted and inscribed Pegasus to W.Bro. Ernie Caley. He remarked that Ernie had been a Member of the Craft for 40 years, a Founder of three Lodges and Secretary of two, including ten years in that Office in Pegasus. The Charity Steward then presented the Prov.G.M. with a cheque for £1,000 towards the 2005 Festival for the N.M.S.F. The new Secretary, W.Bro. Charles Bailey announced that the following appointments were to be made at the Provincial meeting in July: W.Bro. Doug Nimmo as Dep.Prov.G.D.C. for a second year, W.Bro. Harry Hovell P.Pr.G.SuptWks to be promoted to P.Pr.J.G.W., W.Bro. Charles Bailey Prov.A.G.Purs. to be promoted to P.Pr.S.G.D. and W.Bros David Parker and Eric Wright appopinted as P.Pr.S.G.D. and P.Pr.A.G.D.C. respectively. In addition the Lodge’s acting Organist W.Bro. Skip Attree P.Pr.A.G.St.B. was to be promoted to P.Pr.G.SwdB. The following appointments were also to be made in other Provinces: - W.Bro. Edward Fitzgibbons as P.Pr.G.SwdB. in Berkshire, W.Bro. John Coles as P.Pr.J.G.D. in Surrey and W.Bro. William Gardiner as Pr.A.G.D.C. in E. Kent.

Bro. Richardson was raised by Mercury Lodge on 26th April 2000.

In September the Lodge was shocked to learn of the sudden death of W.Bro. Ernie Caley three days before the meeting – he had collapsed and died while eating his supper. W.Bro. Albert Gould delivered a moving tribute, the Acting Chaplain, W.Bro. Eric Wright delivered the Airborne Forces Collect and W.Bro. Skip Attree played “The Ride of Valkyries”. The Author had the privilege of delivering Ernie’s eulogy at the Aldershot Crematorium five days later. Ernie was held in great affection by all the Brethren, a fact borne out by the £600 collected in his memory – £500 was donated to the 2005 Festival for the N.M.S.F. and £100 to the A/B.F.S.F. That evening the Lodge received a first visit from its new V.G.O. W.Bro. Col Mike Thomas P.A.G.SwdB. (L/R.A.M.C.), who had served as R.M.O. of 2 Para. (1964 - 67). Perhaps the ideal qualifications to look after the welfare of the Lodge? Another Joining Member was elected and Thomas Bridges and James Sorbie M.B.E. were initiated. For the first time the booklet “Welcome to the Initiate” was presented to the Candidates by the V.G.O. Donations were made as follows: - £1,000 to the 2005 Festival for the N.M.S.F., £75 to the Prov.C.F. and £50 to the A/B.F.S.F. Multiple apologies were received from Brethren unable to attend due to the shortage of fuel caused as a result of a blockade of the oil refineries by a tanker drivers’ strike.

In November Bro. Tovey was passed by the W.M. and, after the Lodge had been called-off for tea, W.Bro. Doug Nimmo took the Chair and initiated Christopher Trinick. A ballot to exclude four members for failure to pay their annual subscriptions was only passed by 28 votes to 10, but nevertheless achieved the necessary two-thirds majority much to the relief of the Treasurer. W.Bro. John Coles P.Pr.J.G.D. (Surrey) was elected as Master for the ensuing year, but was forced to stand down a few weeks later due to ill health. As a consequence an emergency meeting was held on 24th January 2001 at which the 16 Members present elected W.Bro. Brian Pugsley P.Pr.Dep.G.Reg. (Middlesex) in his stead. W.Bro. Brian said it was probably the first time in the history of the Lodge that it had a Master-elect, who did not want that honour, as it belonged to his dear friend and comrade. However, in the circumstances he would perform the duties for Bro. Roy and the Lodge to the best of his ability.

Bro. Tovey was passed by Cherry Tree Lodge in Bordon on 8th February 2001.

In February 2001 W.Bro. Capt. A.J. Barnes (A.C.C.) the W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. T. Scott L.G.R. the W.M. of Woolmer Forest Lodge occupied the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. M.A. Bailey (Charles Bailey’s son), the W.M. of Cherry Tree Lodge acted as I.G. W.Bro. Brian Pugsley P.Pr.G.Reg. (Middlesex) was then inducted as the 11th Master. In April the Lodge mourned the death of W.Bro. John Coles P.Pr.J.G.D. (Surrey) and the acting Organist W.Bro Mick Kerley P.Pr.J.G.D. played the “Ride of the Valkyries”. The Brethren also acknowledged the death of the Past Pro.G.M., M.W.Bro. the #Rt Hon. Lord Farnham. Thereafter Bernard Tharme was initiated. The sum of £1,000 was transferred from the Amenity Account to the Lodge Benevolent Fund. The news that Doug Nimmo was to be re-appointed as Prov.Dep.G.D.C. for a third year and George Stow was to be appointed as P.Pr.A.G.SwdB was greeted with acclaim. At the Festive Board a collection raised £282 as sponsorship for the parachute jump that the Dep.Prov.G.M., V.W.Bro. Brian Bellinger was about to make in aid of the Festival.
On 12th September the Master called upon the Brethren to stand to order to pay silent tribute to those who had died in the Islamic terrorist attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center building in New York the previous day. Although on a larger scale (2,996 people were killed) the carnage brought back memories of the I.R.A. bomb in the Aldershot Parachute Regiment Officer’s Mess in February 1972 when five female Mess Staff and the Roman Catholic Padre of 2 Para, Father Gerry Weston C.F. were killed. W.Bro. George

#Served as a Lt in the R.H.Gds.

Stow then took the Chair and passed Bros Bridges and Tharme. The Master delivered the lecture on the Tracing Board and then, after a short break, initiated Frank Gargan. Another decorated Second World War veteran was elected as a Joining Member in the person of Bro. Robert Reiber M.M. The Secretary reported that Serving Soldiers, who were Members of the Lodge had had their membership of the Order questioned by non-Masons within their units. They were advised that perhaps they should be less open about their Freemasonry unless in conversation with a potential Candidate.

In November the Brethren stood to order in memory of W.Bro. Hugh Calder and donations were made as follows: - £75 to the Prov.C.F. and £25 to Barnardo’s through the Arnhem Veterans’ Parachute Team.
In February 2002 V.W.Bro. Brian Bellinger was elected as an Honorary Member in recognition of his having joined the parachuting fraternity. In order to support their consanguineous brother W.Bros Alan and Barry Farrington, both Past Masters of Willesden Lodge No. 2489, took the Senior and Junior Warden’s Chairs respectively. W.Bro M. Gill of Woolmer Forest Lodge acted as Inner Guard and Bro. Thomas Farrington was thereafter installed as the 12th Master. At the next meeting the news that W.Bro. Alan Mortimer was to be appointed as Prov.G.Stwd and Bro. Vic Carmichael as P.Pr.A.G.Purs. in Surrey was greeted with acclaim.

Bro. Bridges was raised by Cherry Tree Lodge on 23rd May 2002.

In September the Brethren stood to order as a mark of respect on the death of W.Bro. Charles Bailey’s son Michael. Thereafter Harvey Thorneycroft and Michael Chapman were initiated. The sum of £3,000 was donated to the N.M.S.F. for the 2005 Festival. The Member’s delight at Charles Bailey’s promotion to P.Pr.G.Reg in Buckinghamshire was somewhat muted in view of the earlier sad news.

Bro. Tharme was raised by Dormer Lodge No. 2222 in Surbiton on 14th September 2002.

In November the Brethren voted 32 to 4, with one abstention, to move the place of meetings to Farnborough. This change of venue was likely to make travel easier for most of the Members and the Temple and dining facilities at the Farnborough Masonic Centre were well able to cater for the numbers now attending meetings. Donations were made as follows: - £100 to the A/B.F.S.F. and £75 to the Prov.C.F.

The Installation meeting in February 2003 was held by dispensation at Farnborough. W.Bro. Brig. R.N. Maddy (L/A.C.C.) the W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. B.F. Cooper the W.M. of Loyalty Lodge occupied the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. A. Duff, the I.P.M. of Mercury Lodge acted as I.G. Bro. Roy Dachtler was duly installed as the 13th Master by his fellow Founder and ex-comrade in No.1 (Guards) Independent Parachute Company, W.Bro. Charles Bailey. On assuming command W.Bro. Roy presented the Lodge with a Pegasus flag. Donations were made as follows: - £150 to the Children’s Ward at Frimley Park Hospital and £150 to the National Heart Foundation. W.Bro. Eddie Fitzibbons P.Pr.G.SwdB. (Berkshire) L.G.R. was congratulated on his appointment as P.Pr.Dep.G.Reg. in Middlesex. Sadly four resignations were announced, but two Joining Members helped towards balancing the books.

In April the Lodge received an official visit from W.Bro. Mike Wilks P.S.G.D., A.Prov.G.M., who presented W.Bro. Sam Northway with a framed certificate and lapel badge to mark his 50 years as a Freemason. W.Bro. Ron Follett also presented W.Bro. Sam with a Pegasus statuette from the Lodge Members in grateful thanks for all he had done as a Founder. A cheque for £2,000 for the N.M.S.F. was given to W.Bro. Wilks in his role as Appeals Director for the Festival. Bro. Frank Gargan was raised and the By-laws were amended to allow the Lodge to meet in Farnborough on the fourth Friday in February (Installation), April, September and November. The Almoner reported that he had been in contact with the wives of Members serving in the Gulf War offering them any support that they might require in the absence of their loved ones. The appointment of W.Bro. Doug Nimmo as P.A.G.SwdB. and W.Bro. Frank Maidment’s promotion to P.Pr.G.SwdB in Surrey were noted with acclaim, as was the news that the Lodge’s newest Honorary Member, V.W.Bro. Brian Bellinger was to be installed as Prov.G.M.

In September the Brethren marked the death of Bro. Tommy Battle and Paul Cooper was initiated. The Working Tools were presented and explained by Bro. David Goldie a long-time friend of the Candidate. Despite the annual subscriptions having to be increased from £45 to £55, the Charity Steward was able to announce that to date the Members had contributed £,14,502-85 towards the 2005 Festival – he hoped one final push would enable the Lodge to achieve a bronze award for their efforts in supporting this good cause. In November Nicholas Wright was initiated.
At the Installation meeting in February 2004 W.Bro. the Rev. J.M. Loveday S.C.F., the W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. Lt Col I.C. Hockney (R.E.), a P.M. of Loyalty Lodge occupied the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. A. Duff, a P.M. of Mercury Lodge acted as I.G. W.Bro. Bob Kirby P.Pr.G.St.B. (Middlesex) was duly inducted as the 14th Master. W.Bro. George Stow, having recently been appointed by the #Author as the Royal Arch Representative for the Lodge, explained the benefits of taking the final step in Pure Antient Masonry by being exalted into the R.A. and pointed out that Connaught Chapter No. 1971 was the appropriate Unit for military Brethren to join.

In April the promotion of W.Bro. Bill King to P.Pr.Dep.G.Reg., the appointments of W.Bros Ian Petty and Alan Lee as P.Pr.J.G.D. and P.Pr.A.G.D.C. respectively and of Bro. Vic Carmichael P.Pr.A.G.Purs. (Surrey) as P.Pr.A.G.St.B. were all greeted with acclaim. The Brethren were reminded that W.Bro. Ron Follett had a supply of Lodge shields available at £35 each. In September W.Bro. Sam Northway was elected as an Honorary Member as ill-health no longer allowed him to travel to meetings from Wales. Sadly he died the following month. It was announced that Bro. Robert Reiber M.M. was one of just a hundred D-Day

#The Author served as M.E. Grand Superintendent in and over Hampshire and Isle of Wight from 2001 until 2011 and one of the initiatives introduced during his tenure, in an effort to attract more Master Masons to join the Royal Arch, was the appointment of a R.A.Rep. in every Lodge.

veterans awarded the Chevalier Legion d’Honneur by the French Government in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Europe.
In November, after the initiation of Robert Hilton, W.Bro. George Stow announced that the 2005 Festival for the N.M.S.F. had been celebrated in Brighton in May and had raised the amazing sum of £6,888,151! He was pleased to report that Pegasus had qualified for the bronze award – the certificate was presented to the new Master in February. The Lodge also celebrated the fact that Bro. Frank Gargan was in the process of attempting to row across the *Atlantic in the “Britannia Endeavour” with a comrade from 1 Para., Michael Perrens. At the Festive Board a collection realised £267-19 for the Royal British Legion (R.B.L.), his

*Gargan and Perrens left San Sebastian in La Gomera at 14.05 G.M.T. on 12th November and arrived in Port St Charles, at 07.33 G.M.T. on 23rd December 2004 – 40 days 17 hours and 28 minutes later! They thus became European record holders (smashing the old record by eight days) and clocked the third fastest crossing time in the World.

The “Britannia Endeavour” leaving La Gomera ... The “Britannia Endeavour” leaving La Gomera

chosen charity. During the meeting the following donations were made: - £100 to the A/B.F.S.F. and £75 to the Prov.C.F.
In February 2005 the Brethren suitably acknowledged the death of Bro. Derek Thompson. W.Bro. Col M.J.G. Thomas P.A.G.SwdB., V.G.O. (L/R.A.M.C.), a P.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. Lt Col I.C. Hockney P.Pr.G.SwdB. (R.E.), a P.M. of Loyalty Lodge occupied the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. P.G. Vosser, the W.M. of Mercury Lodge acted as I.G. W.Bro. Brian Shaw was then inducted as the 15th Master. In April the Brethren were saddened by the death of W.Bro. Alan Mortimer, but morale was raised by the appointments of W.Bros Albert Gould and William Wood as P.Pr.J.G.D. and P.Pr.A.G.Reg. respectively and the appointment of the W.M., W.Bro. Brian Shaw as P.Pr.J.G.D. in Middlesex.

In September Geoffrey Nuzum was initiated by W.Bro. Brian Pugsley and Bro. Frank Gargan was congratulated on completing his row across the Atlantic – an amazing feat of endurance. In November the Lodge suffered the double blow of the deaths of W.Bros Graham Scopes and William Gardiner and the usual memorial was carried out. Morale was lifted by an official visit by W.Bro. David Flemming P.S.G.D., A.Prov.G.M., but as the Candidate for passing was unable to attend a demonstration had to be performed.

In February 2006 W.Bro. George Stow had the pleasure of installing Bro. David Murphy as the 16th Master. W.Bro. Col M.J.G. Thomas P.A.G.SwdB., V.G.O. (L/R.A.M.C.), a P.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. D. White, the W.M of Loyalty Lodge occupied the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. M.J. Sergeant P.Pr.G.SuptWks, a P.M. of Mercury Lodge acted as I.G. The sum of £200 was donated to Teddies for Loving Care. In April the Brethren mourned the death of its Honorary Members, W.Bro. Maj. Alan Callaway O.B.E. (R.M.), who had inducted the Primus Master of the Lodge at the Consecration ceremony in December 1990. The Honorary Organist played “A Life on the Ocean Waves” as a suitable tribute to a former “boot-neck”. The Members were delighted to learn that the M.W. the Grand Master had seen fit to appoint their Treasurer, W.Bro. John Profitt as P.A.G.D.C.

Bro. Thorneycroft was raised by Syon Lodge in Cole Court, Twickenham on 3rd May 2006 by Pegasus Forces Lodge’s new Master, W.Bro. David Murphy, who was a Member of that Lodge.

This brought to an end a period of 16 years when the Lodge had a surfeit of Candidates and in order not to hold up their Masonic progression had farmed out second and third degree ceremonies to less fortunate Lodges.
In September Michael Collins was initiated and £150 was donated to the Airborne Assault Section at the Imperial War Museum at Duxford. Further donations were made at the next meeting as follows: - £100 to the A/B.F.S.F. and £75 to the Prov.C.F.

In February 2007 the Members mourned the death of W.Bro. Alan Dunham in the usual manner before W.Bro. Eric Wright P.Pr.A.G.D.C. was inducted as the 17th Master. W.Bro. Lt Col B.S. Dyson P.G.St.B. (A.C.C.), the W.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. Lt Col. I.C. Hockney P.Pr.G.SwdB. (R.E.), a P.M. of Loyalty Lodge occupied the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. P. McCaw, the W.M. of Mercury Lodge acted as I.G. W.Bro. Ron Follett was elected as an Honorary Member in gratitude to the immense amount of work he had done for the Lodge since its Consecration – not least as Editor of its News-letter for the first ten years of its existence. W.Bro. Bob Kirby was congratulated on his promotion to P.Pr.Dep.G.Reg. in Middlesex. In April the death of Bro. Reg Planson was marked with suitable tribute and W.Bro. Charles Bailey was congratulated on his promotion to P.Pr.S.G.W., a rare accolade that had only been conferred on one other Member – W.Bro. Ernie Caley. W.Bros Ted Fitzgibbon and Brian Pugsley were also applauded on their appointments as P.Pr.G.SwdB and P.Pr.J.G.D. respectively. Donations were made as follows: - £200 to the Prov.G.M’s appeal on behalf of Portsmouth Cathedral and an unspecified amount towards a new horsebox for the Parachute Regiment mascot.

In November #Robin Horsfall was initiated. Later in the meeting the Lodge’s V.G.O., W.Bro. Col Mike Thomas presented the long serving Tyler, Bro. Vic Carmichael with a framed certificate and lapel badge marking his 50 years as a Freemason. Sadly six Members had to be excluded for failure to pay their annual subscriptions and a resignation was also received.

In February 2008 the Members marked the passing of W.Bro. Eddie Fitzgibbons, who had served as D.C. for six years and was a peripatetic Mason, holding S.L.G.R. and Provincial honours in Hampshire and Isle of Wight, Berkshire and Middlesex. V.W.Bro. Maj. R.H. Jago P.G.SwdB., (R.A.M.C.), a P.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. J. Mullervy, the W.M of Loyalty Lodge occupied the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. R.A, McNeilly, the W.M. of Mercury Lodge acted as I.G. W.Bro. Bob Peel was then duly inducted as the 18th Master. The following donations were made: - £100 to the A/B/F.S.F. and £75 to the Prov.C.F. In April the Members congratulated W.Bro. Tom Farrington on his appointment as P.Pr.A.G.D.C. In September the Lodge mourned the death of W.Bro. Nigel Buckingham, an Honorary Member and the Consecrating Provincial Secretary. To add to the bad news the annual subscription was increased from £75 to £85. In November Clifford Gilfoyle was initiated and the usual donations were made to the A/B.F.S.F. and Prov.C.F.

At the Installation meeting in February 2009 W.Bro. Charles Bailey P.Pr.S.G.W., P.Pr.G.Reg (Buckinghamshire) was inducted as the 19th Master. V.W.Bro. Maj. R.H. Jago P.G.SwdB., (R.A.M.C.), a P.M. of Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge occupied the S.W. Chair; W.Bro. J.J. Neave P.Pr.G.SuptWks, the W.M. of Loyalty Lodge occupied the J.W. Chair; and W.Bro. R.A. Suter, the W.M. of Mercury Lodge acted as I.G. Two more resignations were announced. In April the Lodge received an official visit from W.Bro. Mike Codd P.S.G.D., A.Prov.G.M., but as the Candidate for passing was unable to attend a demonstration was undertaken. W.Bros Harry Butler and Roy Dachtler were congratulated on their

#Robin Horsfall was a member of the S.A.S. Anti-Terrorist “Pagoda” team that successfully stormed the Iranian Embassy on 5th May 1980. The event is dramatically recorded in his book Fighting Scared, published by Cassell of London in 2002.

appointments as Prov.A.G.Reg and P.Pr.G.St.B. respectively and W.Bro. Bob Peel on his appointment as P.Pr.J.G.D. in Berkshire. The sum of £1,000 was donated to Help for Heroes (H4Hs). No work was possible during the year and a further demonstration ceremony was worked and a lecture was received from W.Bro. Capt. Derek Hall P.Pr.S.G.W. (R.C.M.P.) entitled “Rudyard Kipling – a Master Mason unashamed”.
During the decade a total of 10 Brethren had joined and 15 were initiated. Seven Members had died, including two Founders.

Next page ... The Period 2010 to date


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